Insurance & Payments
To help keep dental fees reasonable, we try not to carry outstanding accounts or send statements. Payment is respectfully requested at the time of treatment.
However, we do not want finances to stand in the way of your dental health. We have several financial options available for your convenience.
Most PPO's
Credit Cards
Dental Financing/Payment Plan with approved credit by contacting Care Credit 1-866-893-7864 or go to CareCredit.com
No Interest if paid within promotional period
Low Interest Payment Plan (24, 36, 48, or 60 Months)
Most insurance companies will not cover 100% of all dental expenses. Some companies pay fixed allowances for certain procedures and others pay a percentage of the charge. It is the patient’s responsibility to pay any deductible amount, co-insurance, or any other balance not paid for by their insurance company. We will be glad to process your insurance forms at no charge.